Guitar Tabs

Guitar Tabs

A guitar can be described as a musical instrument. Structure is a key component of playing the guitar. To play the guitar one must understand both the notes in a scale and the notes on the individual strings. The notes are A, Bb, Bb, C, C#, or Db. D, Eb. E, F#, or Gb. G#, or Ab. A scale is made up of eight of these notes.

A guitar tab, however, is a system that uses notations, letters and symbols to represent the musical notation. A guitar tab’s sole purpose is to provide direction to the player on how to play a particular musical piece using a diagram of the strings.

Tablature, or guitar tabs, is a diagram of the strings of the guitar that shows the finger positions. Sometimes the numbers correspond to the frets.

Tablatures have been used in Western culture for six centuries. They were mainly a horizontal grid that was read from left-to-right. The letters and numbers over the grid signify the construction of pitches and rhythmic signs. Starting in the 17th century, there were different tablatures in France, Italy, Spain, and Spain. Regardless of what guitar you have, tablatures today, including guitar tabs, use vertical lines to represent the strings. Horizontal lines for the frets are the dots.